
In a caregiver’s career, there are times when your client may be under the supervision of another health care specialist, like an occupational therapist, who has a role to play in a client’s healing and recovery.

This means that the other caregivers, whether homemakers or home health aides, should contribute to their client’s holistic wellbeing.

Occupational therapists depend on you to continue care in their absence and might leave exercises to be done in between appointments. As your client’s consistent caregiver, you will have to form a partnership with the occupational therapists to ensure that your client stays on track.

Sometimes your client may not be emotionally prepared to attend their sessions, even if it is in their own home. Caregivers will sometimes be called upon to be present with their clients for companionship, motivation, and learn skills or techniques from the therapists.

Your client needs to attend all their occupational therapy sessions, especially if it is covered by Medicare. If your client continually cancels their appointment, Medicare will remove the benefit and they will lose out on the therapy that they need.

Helping your client get mentally ready for another round of therapy visit with kind, supportive words can help them prevent this consequence. Also, having them ready and appropriately attired for their session is a super-supportive move.

Always keep in the back of your mind – or maybe closer to the front – that your client is receiving therapy. Please pay even closer attention to them. Anything that seems odd, painful, uncomfortable, or any incidents, no matter how small, should be noted and shared with the nurse and the therapists. You are the eyes and ears of the entire home care team – if you see something, say something.

You may be your client’s biggest cheerleader during therapy sessions. Please note your client’s progress and cheer them on to keep them positive. Engage them with positivity when they are finished, ask them what was manageable and which parts were challenging. A helpful attitude can support their recovery and lighten their spirits.

As we indicated before, your client may have supplementary exercises to do in between sessions and you may be called upon to help.

Make sure you understand what these exercises are and what effect they have on your client. Do them just as you were instructed and keep the therapist’s contact on hand, in case you need guidance or to report a problem.

Never underestimate your role as the glue between all the moving parts of your client’s holistic care. Be vigilant and supportive as you guide your client through this phase of their health and wellness journey.

The information in this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen.

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